FlashTables™ based on IEEE 1584

FlashTables™ based on IEEE 1584: Based on IEEE 1584 incident energy equations, labels can be applied and documented in a fraction of the time needed for a full-blown Incident Energy Analysis or Arc Flash Analysis.

Warning labelsFlashTables™, based on IEEE 1584, is an Intellectually Licensed Product offered by Facility Results™. It provides a cost-effective solution for labeling electrical panels in facilities that undergo frequent changes. By implementing FlashTables™, facilities can achieve OSHA compliance quickly and efficiently.

This product utilizes the incident energy outcomes captured in a table format based on the calculations specified in the IEEE 1584 Standard. It has been successfully implemented by major manufacturing companies worldwide, establishing it as a reliable method for Arc Flash analysis and identification.

With FlashTables™, facilities can label their electrical panels over time, allowing for budget-friendly implementation. The process is straightforward: after the initial installation, the facility provides basic nameplate information to Facility Results, who will then ship the appropriate labels. These labels can be installed by the facility’s own team in real-time, simplifying change management.

It’s important to note that while FlashTables™ provides an efficient labeling solution, it may not replace the need for a comprehensive Arc Flash study in all cases. Depending on the specific requirements and complexities of a facility’s electrical system, a more detailed analysis may still be necessary to ensure complete compliance and safety.

To determine the most suitable approach for your facility, it’s recommended to consult with a qualified electrical professional or engineer. They can assess your specific needs and guide you in implementing the appropriate Arc Flash analysis methods.


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FlashTables™ is a tool or method based on the incident energy equations outlined in the IEEE 1584 standard. It provides a simplified approach to labeling and documenting Arc Flash hazards. Rather than conducting a comprehensive Incident Energy Analysis or Arc Flash Analysis, FlashTables™ allows for quicker application of labels by using pre-determined incident energy values.
By utilizing FlashTables™, the process of determining appropriate labels for equipment based on their potential Arc Flash hazards can be expedited. This method is particularly useful when time is a constraint, or a more detailed analysis may not be necessary or feasible.

It’s important to note that while FlashTables™ can provide an efficient solution for labeling equipment, it may not capture all the nuances and specific details that a comprehensive analysis would uncover. Depending on the complexity of the electrical system and the level of accuracy required, a full-blown Incident Energy Analysis or Arc Flash Analysis may still be necessary in certain situations.

It’s recommended to consult with a qualified electrical professional or engineer to determine the most appropriate approach for assessing and mitigating Arc Flash hazards in your specific workplace.

FlashTables Unlimited is a method for determining incident energy and calculating Arc Flash hazards based on the IEEE 1584 analysis and calculations. It offers a cost-effective and efficient approach to labeling electrical equipment in plants while providing accurate incident energy information for appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements.

Key features of FlashTables Unlimited include:

1. IEEE 1584 Accuracy: The method ensures an accurate determination of incident energy based on the established IEEE 1584 standard. This accuracy has been validated and can be relied upon for safety assessments.
2. Versatility for Industrial Plants: FlashTables Unlimited can handle complex industrial plants with various equipment types, including switchgear, motor control centers (MCC), bus plugs, relays, looped systems, and adjustable trip breakers.
3. Wide Voltage Range: The method covers incident energy requirements from the lowest voltage levels (240V and below) up to 15kV, ensuring comprehensive coverage for different electrical systems.
4. Instant Results: FlashTables Unlimited eliminates the need for time-consuming data collection by providing a booklet of incident energy tables. This allows for quick and on-the-spot determination of incident energy requirements and PPE levels, resulting in minimal wait time.
5. Cost Savings: By streamlining the engineering process and providing pre-calculated incident energy tables, FlashTables Unlimited offers a significant cost reduction of approximately 70% compared to other methods. This cost savings includes labeling equipment.
6. Auditability: A comprehensive report is available for audits, providing documentation for every applied label and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.
7. Real-World Validation: FlashTables Unlimited has been tested and validated on over 100,000 label points in industrial and commercial applications each year, demonstrating its reliability and effectiveness.

However, it’s important to note that FlashTables Unlimited does not provide features such as generating one-line reports, conducting coordination studies, or performing short circuit studies. These functionalities are available in software tools like SKM, ETAP, and EasyPower.

Overall, FlashTables Unlimited offers a new and valuable tool for Arc Flash studies, providing accurate incident energy information and cost-effective labeling solutions for electrical equipment in industrial plants. To learn more about FlashTables Unlimited, you can visit their website at www.gotlabels.info.